Naval Terminology - includes technical terms and nautical slang, plus everyday words with shipboard origins. The section for each letter is headed by the letter's international phonetic form, followed by its international signal flag, its U.S. Navy semaphore representation, and its representation in Morse code.
Military lingo - military slang from various times (WWI, WWII, Cold War, War on Terror, etc.)
MEGATERMS: Military Terms and Acronyms for download. An extensive list of terms and acronyms used by various military units, and nations. It currently contains over 22,700 terms and acronyms.
MilTerms.com - designed to provide individuals with a complete and accurate resource for researching the acronyms and terminology of the United States' Armed Forces. With 23580 words in the database, MilTerms.com offers visitors access to an extremely large and detailed collection of military terminology.
Counterinsurgency Manual - includes glossary of acronyms and terms with Army, multi-Service, or joint definitions and other selected terms. Where Army and joint definitions are different, (Army) follows the term. Terms for which the Army and Marine Corps have agreed on a common definition are followed by (Army-Marine Corps). PDF
Contains acronyms, abbreviations and terms relating to the military, space & electronic combat, electronic warfare, command & control, weaponry, general warfare, information warfare, special operations, non-lethal weapons, computers, homeland security, the Internet, emerging technology, and kindred topics.
Arms and Armour Terminology from Historical Weapons.com -- Medieval and Renaissance Swords and Daggers Terminology, Armour Terminology and Other Weapons Terminology, Basic Medieval Sword-Fencing Terminology and Basic Sword Parts Terminology